Guava is the best Source of vitamin-C and lot of pactin. Many of us like jelly with breakfast in the morning. Orange and mango jelly are most available in the market. But very little think you can prepare delicious and healthy Guava jelly with out any food color. If you want to make guava jelly in short time , follow the Article step by step.

At first collect all instrument: Hand Refractometer, Balance, Sweeen, Knife, Bottle, Spoon, Thin cloth.

How to make Guava jelly? | Guava jelly in short process | Guava Jelly Recipe । Guava Jelly in Short processing । পেয়ারার জেলি ।
Ingredient and Recipe:

1. Guava juice,-----------2 kg.

2. Sugar------------------1300gm.

3. Citric Acid-----------14gm

4. KMS-----------------400 gm.

Work process:

1. According to the amount of ingredients, juice, sugar, citric acid is different Take weight.

2. Mix the sugar with the juice and add fuel to it. During cooking

Time will be handled frequently. The mixture is roughly

Dense darkness with refractometer actually becomes dark

Check and get 58 degree Brix (TSS 58 degrees)

Cook until then. Extra citric acid adds

Cook the mixture up to 65 degrees Brix.

3. Sheeting test in absence of refractometer Determine the final state of being jelly Possible Dipping into spoon mixture in the sheeting process The mixture is allowed to be read and cooled by spoon. If it does not fall on one side and reads as a sheet. He must understand that he has become jelly.

4. TSS 65 degree Briquet or Shipping Examination. Determined if the jelly is ready to be ready. KMS mix with a little water and mix it with the mixture. Cook until you reach 66 degree brix.

5. Jelly sterilization by taking the vessel down the oven. The bottle is well dried and dried in splatter. Save at normal temperature in place. Disinfection of the bottle. Jelly bottles of water in the water. In this, 15-20 minutes of water becomes sterilized. Bottle pots are made after jelly is made. It is better to get rid of the jelly filled with water.

Be careful while giving heat so that you do not burn and of course the  right amount of ingredient should be taken.