Eggs are a delicious Meal. This is also called ideal food. Because it contains almost all essential amino acid vitamins, fats and minerals. Various types of food can be prepared with eggs. Egg halwa is a completely new type of food.

Required Instruments:


2. Egg better

3. Filter

4. Spoons

5. Fry pan

6. Oven

7. Blender


Egg Haluwa Recipe:

1.Milk -1 liter

2. Egg- 5piece

3. Suger-250gm

4.Toast biscuit powder -1 cup

5. Cinnamon- 2piece

6. Cardamom- 2 piece

7. Ghee- 100gm

8. Raisin- 25gm

9. Cashew hut- 50gm

10.Peanut- 50gm

How to prepare of Egg Haluwa | Egg haluwa recipe | Work procedure |
Egg Haluwa

Working Process:

1.First one liter of milk should be half liter.

2. Now the milk will be mixed with the eggs will be bursting with it.

3. After the gradually mix the biscuits and paste the cashew nuts and peanuts and mix it with the mixture.

4. Now heat the ghee in the fringe pan and boned it constantly and miss it constantly and miss it constantly and miss

5. If you get a little bit of sugar, you have to stir will again. If it gets dense, you need to get fid of Cinnamon  and Cardamom.

6. After that the plant will be served with kismis cashew nut and Chinese nuts.

Learn more- How to make Egg Yolk curry?


1.Must have to shake well so that the plants do not fall under the floor.

2.The appliance needs to be nurtured carefully.

3. Should be careful not to be burn.



It is possible to marked a very nutritious, rice and delicious meal by preparing eggs halwa.